RISC-V Instructions cheat sheet

RISC-V Instructions cheat sheet

Ayano Kagurazaka Lv3
Category Instruction Example Meaning Comments
Arithmetic Add add x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 + x7 Three register operands; add
Subtract sub x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 - x7 Three register operands; subtract
Add immediate addi x5, x6, 20 x5 = x6 + 20 Used to add constants
Data transfer Load doubleword ld x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Doubleword from memory to register
Store doubleword sd x5, 40(x6) Memory[x6 + 40] = x5 Doubleword from register to memory
Load word lw x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Word from memory to register
Load word, unsigned lwu x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Unsigned word from memory to register
Store word sw x5, 40(x6) Memory[x6 + 40] = x5 Word from register to memory
Load halfword lh x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Halfword from memory to register
Load halfword, unsigned lhu x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Unsigned halfword from memory to register
Store halfword sh x5, 40(x6) Memory[x6 + 40] = x5 Halfword from register to memory
Load byte lb x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Byte from memory to register
Load byte, unsigned lbu x5, 40(x6) x5 = Memory[x6 + 40] Byte unsigned from memory to register
Store byte sb x5, 40(x6) Memory[x6 + 40] = x5 Byte from register to memory
Load reserved lr.d x5, (x6) x5 = Memory[x6] Load: 1st half of atomic swap
Store conditional sc.d x7, x5, (x6) Memory[x6] = x5 Store: 2nd half of atomic swap
Load upper immediate lui x5, 0x12345 x5 = 0x12345000 Loads 20-bit constant shifted left 12 bits
Logical And and x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 & x7 Three reg. operands; bit-by-bit AND
Inclusive or or x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 & x7 Three reg. operands; bit-by-bit OR
Exclusive or xor x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 ^ x7 Three reg. operands; bit-by-bit XOR
And immediate andi x5, x6, 20 x5 = x6 & 20 Bit-by-bit AND reg. with constant
Inclusive or immediate ori x5, x6, 20 x5 = x6 & 20 Bit-by-bit OR reg. with constant
Exclusive or immediate xori x5, x6, 20 x5 = x6 ^ 20 Bit-by-bit XOR reg. with constant
Shift Shift left logical sll x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 << x7 Shift left by register
Shift right logical srl x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 >> x7 Shift right by register
Shift right arithmetic sra x5, x6, x7 x5 = x6 >> x7 (arithmetic) Arithmetic shift right by register
Shift left logical immediate slli x5, x6, 3 x5 = x6 << 3 Shift left by immediate
Shift right logical immediate srli x5, x6, 3 x5 = x6 >> 3 Shift right by immediate
Shift right arithmetic immediate srai x5, x6, 3 x5 = x6 >> 3 (arithmetic) Arithmetic shift right by immediate
Conditional branch Branch if equal beq x5, x6, 100 If (x5 == x6) go to PC+100 PC-relative branch if registers equal
Branch if not equal bne x5, x6, 100 If (x5 != x6) go to PC+100 PC-relative branch if registers not equal
Branch if less than blt x5, x6, 100 If (x5 < x6) go to PC+100 PC-relative branch if registers less
Branch if greater or equal bge x5, x6, 100 If (x5 >= x6) go to PC+100 PC-relative branch if registers greater or equal
Branch if less, unsigned bltu x5, x6, 100 If (x5 < x6) go to PC+100 PC-relative branch if less, unsigned
Branch if greater or equal, unsigned bgeu x5, x6, 100 If (x5 >= x6) go to PC+100 PC-relative branch if greater or equal, unsigned
Unconditional branch Jump and link jal x1, 100 x1 = PC+4; go to PC+100 PC-relative procedure call
Jump and link register jalr x1, 100(x5) x1 = PC+4; go to x5+100 Procedure return; indirect call
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RISC-V Instructions cheat sheet