This part talks about Lambertian reflection, gamma correction, and materials
Note on "Ray tracing in one week" - Part 4
This part talks about anti-aliasing and diffuse material
Note on "Ray tracing in one week" - Part 2
This part talks about how to render a sphere and add shading to it.
Note on "Ray tracing in one week" - Part 3
This part talks about the direction of normal vector, how to store multiple hittable objects, and some code simplification.
Chapter 4 - Part 3. Syncronizing concurrent operations
This part talks about functional programming style concurrency and CSP-style concurrency.
Note on "Ray tracing in one week" - Part 0
This part talks about rewriting some code with some good practices.
Note on "Ray tracing in one week" - Part 1
This part talks about basic image generation, Vec3, and how ray tracer produce rays
Chapter 4 - Part 2. Syncronizing concurrent operations
This part talks about how to synchronize concurrent operations with futures.
Chapter 4 - Part 1. Syncronizing concurrent operations
This part talks about scenarios that we need to wait for events or other threads, and one way to achieve this
Chapter 3 - Part 1. Sharing data between threads
This part talks about sharing data between threads and how to implement a protective wrapper.